Installing loklak server on Windows

Copy a fresh run install of a Loklak build from Linux box and copy some Java files. You need to edit c:\loklak_server\bin\start.bat as well until the source is updated.

Full install skip Temporary source only download section and start at Remove all Java.

Temporary source only. (183-193 Mb download) 7z Here Rar Here Self extracting Here

Remove all Java from PC using Add Remove Programs. Download 32 Bit java from here

Install download of java. I had to Ignore the OS out of date messages. I Modified, As per solution for the java error. here

  1. After that go to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_66\bin
  2. Here create an folder called “Server” (without ” ”)
  3. Now go into the C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_66\bin\client folder
  4. COPY all data of this folder into the new C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_66\bin\Server

Just to be sure I repeated steps 1-4 with.

  1. After that go to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_66\bin
  2. Here create an folder called “Server” (without ” ”)
  3. Now go into the C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_66\bin\client folder which is in the buffer anyway.
  4. COPY all data of this folder into the new C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_66\bin\Server

Cool it works but there is a java.exe window with the logfile in it, the START /b takes care of that.

Also I reduced the memory settings in the loklak_server\bin\start.bat file as well.

START /b java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -server -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:NewSize=512M -cp "classes;lib/*" org.loklak.LoklakServer >> data/loklak.log 2>&1 & echo $! > data/
echo "loklak server started at port 9000, open your browser at http://localhost:9000"

To bring Loklak to a graceful stop click the command prompt window once a wait, it will disappear.

Installing a Loklak Server on Windows 32 bit.

Setting up git on windows

To use the git similar to how we use it on a linux terminal, Go to this website and download the git for windows. Install it step by step as follows:

  1. Run the GIT installation executable.
  2. After clicking Next on the welcome screen you will be asked to agree to the GNU General Public License.
  3. Choose desired path C:\Program Files\Git 3.A Windows 7 install use recommended path. (Not sure yet but it works.)
  4. On the Select Components page choose Context Menu Entries and leave the defaults for the others. Make sure that the Git gui here and Git bash here are selected under Context Menu Entries
  5. For PATH environment you select Use Git from the windows command prompt option, this is needed for the automatic update on your loklak server to run later on if you decide to keep it.
  6. For line ending conversion Select Checkout As-Is commit Unix-style Line endings option
  7. Click next and the automatic setup will complete the GIT installation with the selected options.

You can test out Git out in a command window if you wish and you did not download one and expand 1 of the zip files. You need a command window Start Run then type cmd and ok a black window will open in that type cd\ then enter this should take you to c:\ then type git clone wait for it to finsh. You can not build/compile the Loklak server yet without Apache Ant see below.

Installing Apache Ant for Windows.

I modified this blog. blog

Download Apache Ant from here If mirror is down see Mirror Down for the zip file.

  1. Extract to its default folder depending on your download location then copy the contents to a new folder created from Local Disk C: named ant eg c:\ant.

Windows XP: To set environment variables on Windows XP. Right click on My Computer and select Properties. Then go to the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button at the bottom.

Click System Variables. Click New then enter values as per below.

Variable Name `JAVA_HOME`
Variable Value `C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk18~1.0_6\jre`

To fix Ant compile also set this. Click New.

Variable Value '-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8'

Windows 7: Repeat Windows XP To set environment variables and copy tools.jar.

Copy the file tools.jar in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_66\lib\ to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_66\lib

(I will look into that later and see why the path problem is.)

Edit Variable Path and add ;c:\ant\bin;C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk18~1.0_6\jre\bin to the end of the line. Click OK 3 times and Ant is now installed you are ready to build a loklak server.

Final steps.

You need open a command window Start Run then type cmd and ok a black window will open in that type cd\ then enter this should take you to c:\ then type git clone wait for it to finsh then type cd loklak_server then type ant when ant has finished type cd bin. You must modify start.bat in the loklak_server/bin folder by typing edit start.bat

cd ..
md data
START /b javaw -Xmx1G -Xms1G -server -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:NewSize=512M -cp "classes;lib/*" org.loklak.LoklakServer >> data/loklak.log 2>&1 & echo $! > data/
echo "loklak server started at port 9000, open your browser at http://localhost:9000"

Save changes and exit.

Type start.bat enter then wait for your browser to open you own Loklak Server with the address of http://localhost:9000 also bookmark this for when you close your internet browser and reopen it again.

Installed Finished and running.


If you have you loklak server from 1 of the zip files and want to continue using it after completing the Git and Ant install simply run from a command window to update to the latest loklak server version. You must then run start.bat to restart your loklak server.

In the folder c:\loklak_server\bin there is a start a BAT file create a shortcut to desktop and double click once after PC starts.

At the moment there are no shutdown controls for a loklak server. By using javaw in start.bat in place of java there is no command window open anymore. You must use task manager end task on javaw.exe to stop your loklak server, reboot or shutdown.

When using Loklak if you hit enter on a search a JSON page will open to get the URL. If you want a RSS Feed you must click the Green Button and you will be able to copy the URL into your RSS Reader.

End of Workarounds

Must be Moved later on after testing. For Windows 7: (Think this is for 64 bit will try later on.) To set environment variables on Windows 7. Right click on My Computer and select Properties. Then go to the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button at the bottom.

Click System Variables. Click New.

Variable Name JAVA_HOME
Variable Value C:\Progra~2\Java\jdk18~1.0_6\jre